There’s some good in this world…and it’s worth fighting for

– JRR Tolkien

Lord Alton of Liverpool





Reports of Highlights From The Notre Dame 2024 Summit on Religious Liberty – including panel remarks by David (Lord) Alton on not trading silence for diplomacy; speaking truth to power rather than double speak; and not collaborating with those who commit atrocity crimes and persecute religious adherents. Dear of Notre Dame Law School And Founder of Religious Liberty Initiative: Dean Marcus Cole Nazila Ghanea - UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion...

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GIS ESSAY: Is the growing mental health crisis a “luxury problem” for the West on which the prosperous can focus after having met all their basic needs? Or is it the result of some more profound loss of social cohesion? And what could be the societal effects and solutions?

See Previous GIS Essays at July 12th 2024 In a nutshell Adverse mental health outcomes are on the rise in developed countries Drivers are a quest for profits, digital...

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Parliament debates forced organ harvesting

House of Lords4th February 2022 Today- on the day the Genocide Olympics opened in Beijing - I told Parliament that grievous human rights violations such as forced organ harvesting and Genocide in Xinjiang puts Beijing on a par with Hitler’s Olympics in 1936...

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What happened to the promise? December 9th Webinar – Invitation from the Coalition for Genocide Response commemorating the International Day on the Crime of Genocide with reflections on the Armenian Genocide and its contemporary implications.

What happened to the promise? December 9th Webinar – Invitation from the Coalition for Genocide Response commemorating the International Day on the Crime of Genocide with reflections on the Armenian Genocide and its contemporary implications.

Lord Alton of Liverpool and the Coalition for Genocide Response would like to invite you to a webinar marking the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime: What Happened To The...

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Parliamentary Meeting To Discuss The Evidence That Babies in The Womb Pain Can Feel Pain. Ask your MP to attend and hear the views of two experts who, one pro life and one pro choice, agree that the new evidence should give us all pause for thought.

Parliamentary Meeting To Discuss The Evidence That Babies in The Womb Pain Can Feel Pain. Ask your MP to attend and hear the views of two experts who, one pro life and one pro choice, agree that the new evidence should give us all pause for thought.

The evidence that babies can feel pain in the womb, and during many abortions, highlights the humanity of the unborn child and provides another important reason to introduce legislation to protect the unborn child from abortion.To ensure MPs and Peers are aware of the...

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For an hour this week I spoke to the parents of Azroo Raja, a 13 year old girl in Pakistan- abducted, forcibly converted and married. She has been taken into safety but not yet allowed to be reunited with her family. MPs have raised her case in the House of Commons

For an hour this week I spoke to the parents of Azroo Raja, a 13 year old girl in Pakistan- abducted, forcibly converted and married. She has been taken into safety but not yet allowed to be reunited with her family. MPs have raised her case in the House of Commons

Webinar highlighting the plight of women and girls from religious minorities - an estimated 1000 Christian and Hindu girls are abducted, forcibly converted, and married, every year in Pakistan.

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Lord Patten on Hong Kong: “the rule of fear, rather than the rule of law” and says “China is involved at the moment in predatory purchasing wherever it can”. The case of the arrested and detained pro democracy activist Andy Li was raised in parliament.

Lord Patten on Hong Kong: “the rule of fear, rather than the rule of law” and says “China is involved at the moment in predatory purchasing wherever it can”. The case of the arrested and detained pro democracy activist Andy Li was raised in parliament.

The All Party Parliamentary Group today held a briefing meeting with Lord (Chris) Patten the last British Governor of Hong Kong: Full recording: Webinar with former Hong Kong Governor, Lord Patten, on “Hong Kong: what the future holds for this formerly autonomous...

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Lord Alton of Liverpool

About David Alton

He is a former Liberal Party Member of Parliament for a Liverpool constituency and Chief Whip – who has sat as an Independent Crossbench member of the House of Lords since 1997 when he was made a life peer. He is a Visiting Professor at Liverpool Hope University and author of several books.

Alton is known for his human rights work including the co-founding Jubilee Campaign and Jubilee Action, and serves as chair, patron, or trustee, of several charities and voluntary organisations. He is a member of the House of Lords Select Committee on International Relations and Defence.