Further arguments against changing the law on euthanasia and the distortion of what should be a balanced debate about ethics and public safety- not a propaganda exercise.

Sep 22, 2023 | News

The Times:

Assisted dying

Sir, Your headline “Four fifths of anaesthetists back assisted dying” (Scotland edition, Sep 14) fails to accurately reflect the questions asked. None of these asked “do you personally support assisted dying”, rather delegates were asked what any law should entail. Liam McArthur 2 was given a platform to present the case for his proposed bill but the organisers refused to platform speakers opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia. The audience who wished to express opposition were prevented from doing so under threat from the chair of being removed by “bouncers”.

No mention was made of the opposition to changing the law from doctors’ groups, disability rights groups or the Glasgow Disability Alliance, which has warned that no amount of safeguarding will offer “enough protections and guarantees to stop disabled people being helped or pressured to die”. Nor was there mention that some supporters of assisted suicide and euthanasia believe the changes will save money and increase organs for donation.

Dr Gordon Macdonald

CEO, Care Not Killing



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