When a British Court orders a woman to have an abortion, it turns justice on its head, is a gross violation of human rights, and represents the tyrannical suppression of the rights of a family. It also makes a mockery of the so-called “right to choose.”

Jun 22, 2019 | News

The unborn child at 18 weeks gestation. 600 babies are aborted daily in the UK - some, up to and even during birth, with the full force of British law. 7 million have been aborted since abortion was made legal and some have had up to 8 legal abortions.

When a British Court orders a woman to have an abortion, it turns justice on its head, is a gross violation of human rights, and represents the tyrannical suppression of the rights of a family. It also makes a mockery of the so-called “right to choose.”

The baby’s grandmother, a midwife, says she is willing to bring up her grandchild. It is a way forward supported by the girl’s social worker. And the mother, herself, says she wants her child to be born.

A traumatic late term abortion can hardly be construed as more “in the interests of the mother” than a well-managed child birth. Does the Judge actually know what happens in a late abortion?

The Court says that “best interests” means that the family have no rights and that a viable baby of 22 weeks gestation must lose its life.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that we all have the right to life – but the Court had nothing to say about this or the best interests of that baby. This is a tragic decision for all involved.


This picture is of a baby in the womb at 18 weeks gestation:

The unborn child at 18 weeks gestation. 600 babies are aborted daily in the UK - some, up to and even during birth, with the full force of British law. 7 million have been aborted since abortion was made legal and some have had up to 8 legal abortions.

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