Andrew Mitchell is right to call upon all those who care about the holocaust, genocide, and justice to take up the cause of the souls of the slaughtered Tutsis who cry out for justice. He says “Britain has turned a deaf ear. We should all be ashamed.” And, What I Learnt at Rwanda’s Murambi Genocide site in 2004 and in Darfur as “never again” happened all over again.

Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP Three years ago, I stood with the wonderful Susan Pollack, the Auschwitz survivor, at the Kigali memorial site in the largest burial ground in the world. We were mourning the million who were slaughtered in a 90-day frenzy of killing and brutality in Rwanda. Most of those who took part … Continue reading Andrew Mitchell is right to call upon all those who care about the holocaust, genocide, and justice to take up the cause of the souls of the slaughtered Tutsis who cry out for justice. He says “Britain has turned a deaf ear. We should all be ashamed.” And, What I Learnt at Rwanda’s Murambi Genocide site in 2004 and in Darfur as “never again” happened all over again.