Boris Johnson urged to put right arbitrary and legally defective decisions on development aid before the G7 Summit in Cornwall this weekend.

Jun 10, 2021 | Parliament

House of Lords -Thursday 10th June 2021

My Lords, can I take the noble Lord, the Minister back to questions of parliamentary sovereignty, legality, and trust? If Governments are permitted to break laws, politicians to break manifesto promises, parliamentarians to break commitments to the destitute and starving, why should anyone take the blindest bit of notice when the United Kingdom proclaims the rule of law and the primacy of parliament. My Lords, before the Prime Minister travels to the G7 Summit will the noble lord the minister, please take a message: the ones he has heard today during these exchanges, but from many of the members of your Lordships’ House that this country’s word should be its bond – even when it is difficult or inconvenient – and to urgently put right this deeply troubling and arguably illegal decision.

Question from Lord Alton, followed by answer from the minister, Lord Ahmed

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